Monday, 4 January 2016

What happened to 2015

Greetings to you.

Somehow 2015 has just slipped away with almost no acknowledgement. From my perspective I have not written up what happened  throughout the year - a practice of the last couple of years. Here is a brief summary and I promise to be more forthcoming in 2016.

January started off with a wonderful week in Tasmania tackling the Overland Track. It included climbing Mt Oakleigh, with a traverse through waist deep mud to and from the mountain, followed by climbing Mt Ossa, Tasmania's highest peak, on the next day. While I can happily do without the snakes, there were a few, the scenery was outstanding and the care provided by our guides was second to none. It was good having a warm, dry hut each night and great food and wine. I can highly recommend doing the Overland Track with Cradle Mountain Huts.This is covered in earlier posts on my blog.

Cradle Mountain

I did the marathon walk on the Canberra Walking Festival weekend. This time I did not front up for another walk on the Sunday. In 2016 I've booked in for bother the marathon walk and 30kms on the Sunday. Yes, I am working on making sure that I can do the two long walking days back to back.

#2 son, Michael, and I did a circuit walk in the Kosciuszko National Park over Easter. The did the Main Range circuit walk with starts and ends near Charlottes Pass and include an ascent of Mt Kosciuszko. It was interesting crossing the Snowy River near it source particularly as we have often cross the same river as it nears it mouth on the Victorian coast.

In June it was off to Ireland and the Dingle Way. Our party was made up with Trevor and my sisters Jen and Sue. A friend of Sue's joined us for the walk. Unfortunately Trevor was not up to doing the walk and he moved from place to place with our luggage. Walking in Ireland was a great experience. The pubs and B&Bs at the end of the day were generally welcoming and comfortable. The terrain through which we walked was varied and was green even if the local farmers declared that it was a drought. This was also covered on the blog.

We did a quick trip up to Northern Ireland where we managed to get in some walking.

Jen and Sue went off to Spain, Michelle had already headed off to Scotland, while Trevor and I went to France. We did find a number of walking opportunities including a sunset walk out to Mount St. Michel. Unfortuantely I have not documented this trip yet ... perhaps I will get to it before heading off on my next walking adventure.

Throughout the year I did climb some of my neighbourhood mountains on a sort of regular basis. To finish off the year I climbed Mt Taylor on Christmas morning along with a surprising number of other people and associated children and dogs. On Christmas night I headed up Mt Arawang to watch the sunset.

At the start of 2015 I only had vague objectives for the year. As a consequence the year was sort of a muddle along one. The lesson to take from the year is that it is important to set goals and have something to strive for. My distance, steps and elevation gain for the year was well down on 2014. Here are the stats for 2015:

Distance: 2,433km an average of 6.67km per day
Elevation gain: 40,254m an average of 110m per day
Steps: 5, 876, 712 an average of 16,101 per day

This compares poorly with my effort in 2014:

Distance: 4,097km  (average 11.22km per day)
Elevation gain: 75,439m (average 207m per day)
Steps: 8,316,074 (daily average 22,784)

I apologise for the lack of photos in this post but felt that I should at least acknowledge the passing of 2015.