Monday, 17 December 2012

Cameras and other gadgets and another walk

After our walk in the Flinders Ranges Trevor has been looking at what he can do with his camera. He decided to get a tripod, too, so that he could experiment with panning for panoramas and other features. The first tripod was very cheap but did provide some good experience and a set of requirements for tripod #2. Yes, there is now a #2.

This weekend we (Trevor, Michael and I) are planning to do the walk the Camel Back Trail and on to Pierce Trig. This will allow Trevor and I to check out our packs and make adjustments ahead of our Great Alpine Walk. It will be the first time I have used my water bladder and I want to see how I fair.

I have also acquired a rugged thermos so that we can have a cuppa while out on the trail.

The Camel Back Trail is quite a hard walk with an uphill slog for most of the walk out. From the start of the trail, the Camel Back carpark in the Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve, to the point just below Camels Hump (at the "Camel Back sign") is just a little over 6km. The ascent to Camels Hump is a steep finale to the trail according to Graeme Barrow's guide book "Exploring Tidbinbilla on Foot" and is in addition to the walking distance.

The Pierce Trig is 2km further along the trail from the Camel Back sign.

All up the walk is some 16km plus the climbs to Camels Hump and the trig point.

Hopefully Trevor will take lots of photos so that we can show you the spectacular scenery we have been promised.

With the temperature on Saturday expected to be in the high 20s and some cloud cover it should be a good day for walking.

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