Thursday, 12 December 2013


It is already the middle of December and I haven't posted anything about November.

My statistics are all mucked up as Runtastic has managed to show May as a second April and all subsquent months are showing as the previous. That was certainly truw through to October which is just not showing at all. November does seem to be there.

What did I do during November?

My pattern has been dictated by Wednesdays walking the 6km to the gym, working with my PT and then walking the 6ks home. Often I do another 6ks following lunch and then a stroll to the Village later in the day. Wednesday is consistently my high distance day of the week.

Along with my Wednesday activities I did a couple of long walks.

On Sunday 3rd I worked at a swim meet out at the AIS which finished around 3pm. I took the opportunity to walk home. This was interesting as the first part of the walk took me through reserves and then through the suburb of Turner. I skirted around Civic by taking the road that runs between ANU and Black Mountain before doing an anti clockwise segment around Lake Burley Griffin. I picked up a path along the Molonglo River. Which was pretty quiet until I encountered a group of 50 or so bike riders who appeared to be doing a bike tour. I managed to navigate my way through Molonglo without trespassing on any construction sites and then on to Cooleman Court before picking up my regular route from the Weston Creek centre home.

All up this walk was 22.63kms with 309m in elevation gain and 309m elevation loss.

When setting out Trevor had asked when to expect me home. I told him that I thought I would be home by 7pm and I was right on time. It was a lucky guess at how long it would take me to do the walk as I had not determined exactly how far it would be.

I continue to do Mt Taylor Circuits. These some in at around 9.5km with an elevation gain and loss of about 170m. I added a climb up the Richmond Fellowship Track on one of my circuits which adds a further 135m to the elevation gain.

During the month I only walked 242.88km with an overall elevation gain of 3456m.

I'll add some photos in sometime when I get a chance to edit them.


  1. Only 242 km isn't too bad an effort for a month!

  2. 242 is probably OK by most people's standards but it was certainly down on most months in 2013
