Monday, 29 December 2014

September ... home again

The first half of September was spent in Canada. Once again I have written up most of the Canadian activities on Return of the 2 Ws.

It was good to be home. To celebrate I did the 6km walk from home to the top of Mt Arawang and back.

On Wednesday 17 I did not have PT so ended up doing an early morning Mt Taylor circuit and climb. There was an abundance of plants in bloom throughout the reserve.

Over the next couple of days I managed to get in a number of other walks including a walk from Duffy home along Cooleman Ridge.

On Saturday Nic suggested that we all go out for a walk around Lake Tuggeranong with a picnic. We met near the library at the town centre and headed off with Soren in his stroller and Astrid on foot.

Picnic beside Lake Tuggeranong (l to r) Trevor, Astrid and Nic with Soren
Astrid managed the walk quite well however she did get carried for the last km or so.

After farewelling the Duffy crowd I walked home.

The next day (Sunday 21) I had a hairdressers appointment at Woden and once again enjoyed walking through the Taylor reserve with its gorgeous array of plants in bloom.

Tuesdays continue to be Astrid's regular day to visit us. We quite often walk to the Village to get supplies for lunch, dinner or baking. The 23rd was no exception. Off we went and were confronted by a fence blocking our path so had to skirt around the ovals rather than walk along the path between two of them. Why a fence? If there had been notifications of work on the ovals they had to have been posted while we were away. There were no notices to be seen. Astrid and I tracked down some of the people putting up the fence and were told that that it was for work on the ovals. We did eventually establish that the irrigation systems were being upgraded. [The fence is still up on two of the ovals at the end of December]

Along with my regular routes (between home and the Tuggeranong Town Centre, Woden and Cooleman Court as well as Mt Arawang and Mt Taylor climbs and my night favorite of Marconi Crescent) there are loads of walks within Kambah. I took advantage of this to do a longish evening walk on Thursday 25 after I got home from my session at the Family History Centre.

On Saturday 27 Trevor and I lunched at the National Library. I then walked home via Woden with a climb to the top of Mt Taylor included. Total distance: 19.35km. Below is a selection of the sculptures that I passed on this walk.

Outside the Treasury Building
The Prime Minister walking to Parliament House
Not sure of the location of these rocks
Sculpture in the Town Square at Woden
Sunday 28 with Michael's birthday and we had breakfast at A Bite to Eat in Chifley before returning to Duffy. After the celebrations I headed off to walk along Cooleman Ridge. Taking advantage of the pleasant day I climbed up to the Cooleman Ridge trig point and discovered my first lizard of the season sunning himself on one of the rocks.

There had been a fair bit of rain while we were away and the countryside was a lovely green.

September Statistics:

Walking: 295km at an average of 9.84km per day
Elevation gain: 5237m (daily average: 175m)
Steps: 559432 (daily average: 18648)

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